Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Schauspielhause Zürich Schülertheatertreffen

So... we had another fesitval pertaining to the lovely art of theater.


oh Theater....

Theater in antther language is einfach something anders...

Let's see... what to say?

Ought I to talk about the Street Parade next door?

Or sleeping in the bombshelter and playing Mafia (Werewolf in German...) until 2:00 in the morning?

Or about how me and Moritz and Helena went some evening to some random place and consumed beverages of fruit?

That was a nice evening.

Maggie Questions.

Not really sure what to say... there were a lot of brilliant plays.

The two favourites would have to be Krabat from Luzern (it was in Swiss German close to the Obwalden dialect so I could understand it well) and Much Ado About Nothing from a group from Basel filled with so many ingenious moments that I felt like pulling out a pad and paper and taking note of them but realizing I would miss something if I did.

I was mainly impressed by the builidng that this festival was held in...

An old werehouse thingy... suited up to be a theater. Huge empty rooms. Crazy stages... such as one entirely furry and blood stained for Clockwork Orange.

I am not really sure what I feel like telling you guys... go read about TAG, I felt inspired to write about it.

And that was...

Schauspielhause Zürich Schülertheatertreffen

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