Monday, August 25, 2008

Clothes Lines

[Devin busking in Seattle]

"Am I doomed for a life of realizing that I am never going to be as ready as I always thought I would be?"

"Regardless, I have come to the understanding that life is pure procrastination...never really knowing the choices you are going to make or the topics you are going to write about until it comes down to crunch time and then you are forced to make a decision that you never have really decided on."

"Anyone else who reads this, I would love to know your opinions on the it is always entertaining to find out who reads this crap haha."

-Rachel Kuenzi-


Make me think why don't you.

First, I will almost always read other people's "crap" as I dish it out like no other. I love recording my thoughts to look back on later and laugh at, reminenice, or hold onto.

I am going to put this out there... not sure if it is related to what Rachel said, but it is indeed inspired by it. Simply my reflections. Not answers. Personal interpretation.

"Am I doomed for a life of realizing that I am never going to be as ready as I always thought I would be?"

I think it is the other way around.

You are doomed for life thinking that you are never ready enough and holding back and waiting till you think you are ready.

Not ready to leave home.
Not ready for that job.
Not ready to actually throw yourself out into the world and see what you can do when you get away from the tini little micro society we call high school which is barely anything compared to the real world.


We just gotta go out there.
Throw ourselfs on the line.
See what happens.

I never really think I'm ready for anything.

But what do I have to loose in this life?


The only thing I don't want to loose is self respect.

" I have come to the understanding that life is pure procrastination...never really knowing the choices you are going to make..." "... until it comes down to crunch time and then you are forced to make a decision that you never have really decided on."

That I am.

"Life is pure procrastication."

I think almost the entire time, we know what the decision will be, what we will choose. From the beginning, we know. Subconsciously.

But we have been raised to "make good decisions" and essentially ignore that tugging feeling in our stomach, heart, some vital organ.

Our minds are unbelieveable in what they are capable of doing.

But we still throw ourselfs into the pros and cons of matters, weighing the benifits, only to come to the decision we already knew.

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