(pics by Kyly Hawk cause mine are not uploaded yet)

Grindelwald.. no idea where it is. Kind of, in Switzerland? It is South of where I live now and near Interlaken, a majorish (for Swiss standards) tourist place-
It was a Rotex weekend (meaning it was run by Swiss young adults who used to be exchange students.
The day started with hopping (not literally) on the train at a quarter to 9 and waving good bye to Jorge as he missed the train. Luckily my host mom was in the near and was able to give him a lift to the next stop.
We got on the train in Giswil that went direct to Interlaken, around 1.5 hours. We were greeted by various other exchangers that were already there including the new Australian representatives (Chris and Eliza).
Interlaken --> Grindelwald
Grindelwald, wow. It was pretty amazing acutally. I mean, the Swiss totally take their amazing country for granted. It never gets old. Going around the bend in the tracks to get a wonderbeautiful view of a city in the basen of a series of mountains. And everything covered in snow. Blue sky day. And with trains, life is always besster.
We even had the pleasure of sleeping in a bomb shelter. Bomb shelter. Those are actually pretty snazzy places, you can cram a lot of people into one room as they have the triple decker bunk beds. All you need is a sleeping bag and you are set to go.
Rotex gave us time to explore the city, go ice skaitng, or swimming. That is one thing I like about Rotary. They tend to give you time to explore and realize that since we are exchange studnets, well, we tend to be a bit more free spirited (wrong word choice) and like to, well, we can get around on our own. We are used to it by now.
A quick trip to Coop, tryingo on hats in tourist places, and then me and Alice went to the park. In the park they had this epic disk. It was like a giant black CD on a platform that could freely rotate and rome up and down. I am totally explaining this wrong, but just trust me... it was worthy of my time.
Ice Skating came next. One again, worth remembering, nothing really too eventful. Ice Hockey? Goodness yes. Making C`s. Sore feet... but it was enjoyable. Just laid back time to do whatever.
Back to the shelter.
Hung out.
Picture seeing.
Dinner --> Spaghettis with a whole lot of noodles.
Oodles of noodles.
Then clean up, me and 4 others cleaned the dishes... and Mr. Soap Man Okan got soap on me... and I got soap on him. And once again, more music. Yeah... that was pretty much dishes.
Rotex weekends are never without some sort of game to entertain our evenings.
In this evening, we had a series of games that the two teams competed against.
The two teams? Lahm vrs. the Running Maggies.
Needless to say, I was on the Running Maggies.
And I did not come up with that name... but I do approve.
Game One: Gummi Bär toss with spoons from one player to the other`s mouth. My team, with Sergio and Jorge playing together, won against Sydney and Breanne.... cause we be ninjas. And I think guys in general practice that stuff in their free time.
Game Two: My turn to try and play. Apple in a bowl of water... bite around the edge ina full path. Problem is.. my jaw. I have a jaw condition where when I open my mouth wide (to, to example, eat an apfel) it get`s locked there. So I spent half my time trying to close my locked open mouth. The other team one.
Game Three: Milk Cartons in hands in the Jesus position, arms out. Nelly won verses our teams rep, Chrystie.
Game Four: The newbies got to play, Nicole verses Jackson. They had to first find a candy in water.. and then search for 6 in a huge bowl of flour. It was horrible, messy... as they had to search through the flour with their tongues. A pic is needed here...

Game Five: Gargling with water and having the team guess what song. Sogns on the playlist inculded Umbrella, Cucaracha, Seven Nation Army, Let It Be, and Jingle Bells.
Game Five: Of course clothes would have to be shed sometime during the evening... we were required to equip a team member with enough clothes to get them through a winter in the Artic. Whoever had the most cltohes on them won. Yes... pants, shirts, bras, shoes, socks, and scarfs were shed.

And in the long run... Running Maggie won. Which pleased me.
Then we went through a walk at night with torches before getting some international desserts.
We think Rotex takes us out for walks so late to get us tired so we stay in bed that night and don`t try to go out on our own... it worked.
The desserts were amazing!
Woke up at 7:45 by Mr. Soap Man banging pans throughout the bedroom... yeah, I was a happy camper.
Then sledding!
We went sledding twice... go up, 12 CHF for a sled. Head down. Wait for over and hour. Go up. Eat lunch. Sled down.
Sledding down the first time... that was done with Natasha. The entire way we kept passing each other. "ON YOUR LEFT!!" "OK, I am really passing you now." "Stay to your RIGHT!" and so forht... and hand signals when needed.
Sledding the second time... haha... that was epic. First minute, crashed into a pole. 10 people passed me. Verflixt! Then I had to catch up.. but with the training on the Frutt, I was able to do that and slowly move up to catch up with the leads. Not the first, but up in the top 6. Then the silly bus came so we were slow behind it.
We were to follow the Rotex man, the soap guy again, down the whole way.. but yeah, that was pretty much a suggestion, I think. We just headed down and people passed me, I passed them. Then me and Natasha did a harcore slam into the wall... and that was lame. So to catch up, a shortcut was requierd.
Mr. Soap Man Okan was 100 meters ahead taking the curve, and we went straight... it was steep and got the most speed of the entire sled run. I guess that way is not the real way :P And we went crazy fast, got off the path, sledded back on.. and needless to say we caught up with him. In the long run, who knows what place got who. It all depends on what you consdier the end. Perhaps I was 5th? Oh well.. doesn`t really matter. Cause it was fun, epic, and ninja worthy. And I defintily had a faster pulse when I finished.
Train ride home.. normal stuff for the exchagners. Music. Talking. Just enjoying the company of each other? That sounds cheesy, but I did enjoy it. For the train ride home I bought a kids magazine, I normally do. Cause they always come wtih really cool toys. This one had a tripple action suction cup gun.
Oh yes... I totally lost my voice this weekend. Could barely talk at all and it was aboslutley horribly awful. Gah. I got home and my host sister was in hysterics for a minute or more over the state of my voice. I still haven`t found it.
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