oh Theater....
Theater in antther language is einfach something anders...
Let's see... what to say?
Ought I to talk about the Street Parade next door?
Or sleeping in the bombshelter and playing Mafia (Werewolf in German...) until 2:00 in the morning?
Or about how me and Moritz and Helena went some evening to some random place and consumed beverages of fruit?
That was a nice evening.
Maggie Questions.
Not really sure what to say... there were a lot of brilliant plays.
The two favourites would have to be Krabat from Luzern (it was in Swiss German close to the Obwalden dialect so I could understand it well) and Much Ado About Nothing from a group from Basel filled with so many ingenious moments that I felt like pulling out a pad and paper and taking note of them but realizing I would miss something if I did.
I was mainly impressed by the builidng that this festival was held in...
An old werehouse thingy... suited up to be a theater. Huge empty rooms. Crazy stages... such as one entirely furry and blood stained for Clockwork Orange.
I am not really sure what I feel like telling you guys... go read about TAG, I felt inspired to write about it.
And that was...
Schauspielhause Zürich Schülertheatertreffen
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