Tuesday, August 14, 2007

You`re a Falling Star

Once again, I have free time... well, no family is around.

The neighbors are over for a nice glass of wine and nuts. They are very nice and I enjoyed a short conversation with them. But then I, um, left. Cause it`s just adults. Anita und Philipp are in their rooms.

Today was a special day.

We went to this gorge where the fictional Sherlock holmes was supposedly shot. I couldn`t read the plaques to understand... but I watched a travel video about it back at home. I think it was in Lucenes or something.

Anyways, I got up at 8:00 to be ready by 10:45.

Breakfast was gut, as usual.

I cried a lot when I learned that Kathy Albright has passed away. And my host mother didn`t know what was wrong. And I kept trying to tell her but I couldn`t talk. So she gave me a nice big hug for a minute or more while I cried. And finally I could tell her. I am sad because I never got to say good bye. I even sent her a letter... and it will never make it to her. And I grieve for the Albright family. But for Mrs. Albright? I am so glad for her... I mean, she`s up in heaven right now. Imagine that? It`s crazy to think about it and I bet she`s have a blast... but I still miss her. But I guess she can come see me in Switzerland now. And she doesn`t feel sick any more. So I talked to her. I don`t know if it will make it to her, but maybe God can say hi to her for me. I mean, he can do all things. And I bet she`d love the scenery here. But still... I cry, I cry now as I type this. I cried this morning. George is one excellent companian when I`m sad.


I can`t imagine going through that. God bless them. Last night, I was praying so much for her. God kept putting her on my heart, and especially the family. And so I prayed. And now I cry again.


We picked up Jessica first at the trainstation.

Meet Jessica:

Jessica is here on her exchange from South Africa and her first host family was the Hinters, my current host family.

It was insightful to hear about her exchange. Since she`s from the southern hemisphere, she comes here from January to January, while us up north come August to August.

Then we picked up Corey... Coriè? I don`t know how to spell her name. But I do know that she is my host mother`s goddaughter.

Meet Corey:

Next we picked up Jorge in Giswil.

You know Jorge:

Then it was off through the pass to the gorge.

It was a schnazzy drive, seven of us in one car.

We arrived.

We payed.

We hiked... it was a crazy cool hike.

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Kinda like the pathway of doom.. no wonder Sherlock died.

It was a wooden walk way around a rocky cliff sort of thing, on the wall. And underneath us was a rushing river thingy. And sometimes we went through caves and got dripped on a lot.

Jorge brought Mivella.


Mivella is the Migros version of Rivella. And he had a pretty large bottle of it. I told him to carry it with pride... cause it was pretty large for one person. Luckily he shared :P I love love love Mivella. Jessica said that most American tourists hate it, but the exchangers don`t mind it. And, well, I can`t describe the taste at all. Sorry.

Here are some pics with the Mivella... it makes a good foto prop.

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Can you spot the super white American?

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Mivella... definitly worth showing off.

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Mivella Love.. Mivellove

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It never gets old.

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Mivella makes a good friend.

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It listens whenever you talk to it.

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I have no idea what is happening here.

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Mivella, the center of attention

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About to get a drink.

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Ahh, it ist so gut!


And we walked, and finally we reached a picnic area by the water. It was quite nice. We had brot und kessen (sp?) und fleich. It was really good. And of course, we had Rivella und Mivella und Chocolate.

Lots of talking the entire way.

And afterwards, we got ice cream!


Ahh, anyways, I read Pingu books at home, because I can sort of understand the German. And then I found out they had Pingu ice cream.

I got it.

You take off the hat to eat the ice cream out of where the brain should be... it is sooo good. Like it`s kiddy glace.. but it`s amazing and creamy and thick and, wow, I can`t even begin to describe the taste and texture as I put each tiny bite into my mouth. It just melts on the tongue. It`s sooo smooth.


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Then there was a fantastic playground right by where we got the ice cream.

At first, I was the first to play on it, the rest stayed at the table. And Philip was playing too. But soon, everyone came and joined me. What can I say, playgrounds attract people of all ages.

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And then we had a group shot...

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And we headed home.


And I hung out a bit.

I swept the garage.

And then the two folks came over for wine.
And in the middle of this blog, I went out and joined them and I practiced my German... I am actually pleased with myself... kind of rare. I was able to keep and make a conversation with the. And the lady didn`t know a lot of English so it worked out fine. I`ve learned enough that they said that they could understand me. We also had tuna on fine crackers.

Then I mentioned the meteor shower tonight... and so we watched it. And the couple went home. And we pulled out lawn chairs.

Life out of a book I tell you.

The sky here is so clear... it`s amazing. And so I was on a lawnchair with Anita and we saw so many falling stars. And two were very clear and long and bright and distinct. It was a magical moment. I was out there and we were all laughing like a family and I`m next to my sister under a blanket. And we just watched the stars and laughed.

Yes, I miss my family at home a lot... but God has blessed me and knew which family I would do well with.. even if my little brother does chase me around with big wooden sticks.


Anonymous said...

Yeah...I was wondering who was going to tell you. It wasn't my business or news to tell.

I'm glad that you can express how you feel though. I wish I could say the same. But at least I wasn't crying alone.

i love you a lot!


Anonymous said...

Your a get away car

Anonymous said...

I'm going to see if they sell Rivella in the European store down next to Ostroms. I read about it and it sounded interesting -- semi-healthy and it has a milk serum????? Well, I have to pick up a prescription at Ostroms, so I'll see if they have any.


Anonymous said...

Nope, no Rivella at the European Deli.